M O R E S T U F FVisit Dream World - Spirit World Forums and Message Boards to discuss Dreams, Spirits, Ghosts, and the otherwise Unexplained. Read my Dream World - Spirit World Blog (under construction) |
W E L C O M E · T O · D R E A M ·W O R L D - S P I R I T · W O R L DThis is, if you believe, the third incarnation, or should I say, "reincarnation", of Dream World and Spirit World. The purpose of this site is not to claim any great or hidden knowledge, nor to explain all of the mysterious unknowns, but rather to give you, the reader, a reason to pause for reflection and inquire within yourself for the answer. In essence, Dream World - Spirit World is designed as "Food for Thought" and nothing more. DREAMS AND VISIONS - HOW IT ALL STARTED FOR METhroughout my life I have heard stories from various members of my family about them having "flying dreams". Many stories were told over the years describing fantastic or horrifying dreams that were far too realistic to discard without further concern or commission. My grandfather, as well as my mother, told of dreams in which they had been "taken" to far away places, or visited loved ones who had been deceased for many years. Their stories always seemed to come to life, and often had meaning that affected everyone around them in the future. U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N